Pushti Devi Dasi (Papiya Chatterjee) joined BRC in May. She is serving in both the Membership Department and the Publications Department.
Pushti joined the Iskcon movement in Kolkata in 1987. She served in Sri Sri Radha Govinda’s kitchen at the Kolkata temple for several years and later became the personal assistant of then temple president, Adiridaran Das. She gained a lot of experience during her service there – organising membership/donations,maintaining correspondences, managing event planning, etc.
After she married, she lived for many years in the US with her family and served in the New Dwarka in Los Angeles. She returned to India in 2010.
She is very enthusiastic to serve at BRC. “I’m very excited about our upcoming publications and assisting with the Fund Raising program,” she said. “I look forward to learning a lot and adding to my experience.”