September 13, 2016

BRC Establishes Open Source Integrated Library System (Koha)

BRC staff is in the process of implementing some new technological guidance we've acquired with the great help of Koha expert, Indranil Das Gupta. After many trials and errors, we have finally worked out the optimal system for processing the digitization workflow for our rare book and manuscript project. We are using Koha ILS as both a catalog as well as their digital repository.
Koha is generally considered to be the first open source library automation system, and originated in 1999. ILS stands for open source integrated library systems. BRC is exploring cutting edge ways to implement Koha, innovating and testing new applications of this system.

An Overview of BRC's Process of Adding Files to the Digital Catalog

We wanted to provide a more detailed update about the processes involved from scanning texts to uploading to our digital catalog for those among you who are interested in tech-related details:

This illustration describes the steps in the process that are involved from generating the initial image from a scan or photo until we upload the file for reading and accessing from our digital database.

- compiled by BRC's Tech consultant, Indranil Das Gupta

September 5, 2016

Thanking Our Recent Donors, Late 2016

We humbly thank those who have so generously donated to BRC most recently: *
  • Ambarish Das, USA, $25,000.00 
  • Gopal Bhatta Das, USA, $2,500.00
  • Hridayananda das Goswami, $500.00
  • Cittahari das, Australia, $2,000.00 (AUD)
  • Yogesvara das, USA, $500.00 (AUD)
  • Janananda Goswami, $2,750.00 (AUD)
  • Urmila Devi Dasi, USA, $1000.00
  • Vasudev and Bhagavati, Fiji, $1100.00
  • Navin Krsna das, USA, $1,000.00
  • Balaramdesh Yatra, $2,500.00
  • Srivallabha das, Damodardesh, $1,000.00
  • Bhakti Charu Swami, $10,000.00 INR per month
  • BBT International, $2500.00
  • Madhusevita Das, Scotland, £6000.00

We strive to stay up to date on your latest contact information. If you have not heard from us for a while, we may not have your latest contact information. It is important for us to remember you and help you stay up to date and connected to our latest service activities. Please email Mahalakshmi Dasi, BRC Membership Coordinator. 

* Although we strive to keep good records and communications, occasionally we inadvertently leave someone off this list. Please notify us if we left you off and kindly accept our apology.